OTT: 235 4 Quick and Easy Steps to Setting STEM Story Station in Your Makerspace

In the bustling realm of creators and innovators, a singular call echoes, enticing every curious mind to venture beyond the ordinary.

Picture this: a sanctuary known as the STEM Story Station, where scientific tales unfold not just in words but in actions, experiments, and hands-on discoveries. Our account commences with an open invitation, a warm, collective greeting that reverberates through the expansive halls of makerspaces, whispering of an unparalleled adventure just waiting to be unfurled.

Adorn your goggles, secure your curiosity cap, and brace yourself for a journey that is anything but mundane. It's a story where textbooks no longer dictate the rhythm of learning but are instead set aside, permitting a cascade of explorative learning to flood in uninterrupted. The air is tinged with electrifying anticipation as we, your fellow makers, invite you to weave through the narrative threads of hands-on activities in a way even Bill Nye might scarcely believe.

Thus, we huddle together, awash with eager excitement and unbridled curiosity, preparing to delve into the secrets and unravel the enchanting world where STEM doesn't merely exist but thrives with an undying vivacity in STEM stations. Let us construct, together, a playground where every question nurtured in young, buzzing minds sprouts into a thrilling exploration of the unknown with STEM story time and STEM challenges. 

Want to know more about Makerspace? Join me inside my 3-day Makerspace Bootcamp…

Why STEM Story Stations are Important in Makerspaces

STEM Story Stations are a game-changer in makerspaces for elementary classrooms, media centers, or homeschool spaces. They provide a fun and interactive way for students to engage with STEM topics and foster problem-solving skills. With station rotation, students participate in activities that revolve around a central story, bringing together the best storytelling and hands-on learning.

Imagine being able to enter the world of dinosaurs while solving puzzles and building structures to protect their eggs from potential predators. Or diving deep into space exploration as you design and launch rockets into orbit. These STEM Story Stations ground abstract concepts in real-world scenarios, making learning more meaningful and exciting for young minds.

And if you are in the middle of preparing for Thanksgiving, STEM Story Stations can be a great way to integrate Thanksgiving stories and maker stations. I have many different Thanksgiving STEM Story Stations to choose from, starting with using books like T'was the Night Before Thanksgiving, where students have to solve the problem of Farmer Brown wanting to chop up the turkeys to Turkey Trouble! Each Thanksgiving STEM Story Station is only $1.25 each, or better yet, grab the bundle for less than $5.00! Save over 50% with the Bundle of Thanksgiving STEM Story Stations.

Furthermore, these stations encourage teamwork, critical thinking, and inventive solutions. Students will collaborate to unravel mysteries using their creativity while developing analytical skills along the way. The combination of problem-solving challenges within an engaging narrative sets the stage for an exceptional educational experience that keeps students coming back for more - proving once again that when it comes to learning, imagination is essential!

Step 1: Selecting Engaging STEM Story Materials

When it comes to selecting engaging STEM story materials, simplicity can be your secret weapon. Remember to underestimate the power of using everyday objects like pattern blocks or simple materials like pom poms in your storytelling. Consider how a rubber band can demonstrate elasticity or a paper clip can represent conductivity. By using easily accessible materials, you make the story relatable and allow your audience to participate and visualize concepts right before their eyes.

Selecting the perfect story is more than just finding an interesting topic. Find stories that pique curiosity, provoke critical thinking, and relate to real-life applications of STEM, or use tried and true literature to get kids thinking through the Engineering Design Process. Design thinking in small groups or whole classes is also geared towards STEM education. Whether it's showcasing the fascinating phenomenon of photosynthesis or illustrating the principles of aerodynamics through a thrilling tale of airplanes, choosing stories with captivating narratives keeps your audience engaged and eager for more knowledge.

So, next time you plan a STEM storytelling session, remember that sometimes, all it takes is a rubber band or a paperclip to make science come alive. But don't forget to sprinkle in some wit and creativity as well – after all, who said learning couldn't be fun?

Step 2: Designing an Inviting Story Station Area

Now that you've set the stage with a captivating story corner, it's time to take your educational journey to the next level by designing an inviting story station area. Let's face it: learning can be hard work, but creating an engaging and fun space doesn't have to be! Armed with simple materials and a sprinkle of creativity, you can transform any corner into an adventure-filled wonderland.

There are so many creative ways to create a space for kids to develop. But it is essential for you to know that you DON'T HAVE TO CREATE A SPACE. It can be a simple tub of materials that you use. You bring it out. You put it away. All set. I discuss this extensively in my ​Mastering Makerspace: From Zero to Amazing course. 

If you do choose to create a space, keep reading; if not, skip this section and move to step 3. First things first, consider adding some colorful and comfortable seating options. Who said learning had to be done in stiff chairs? Bean bags, floor cushions, or even a cozy rug can invite young minds to immerse themselves in the world of stories. And let's not forget about lighting – soft twinkling fairy lights or quirky lampshades can create a magical atmosphere perfect for snuggling up with a good book.

Next up, take into account the power of props! Encourage children to engage their senses by incorporating tactile elements into your story station area. It could be a basket filled with different-sized leaves for them to touch while reading about nature or silly costumes they can slip into as they immerse themselves in different characters' worlds. These small additions will make storytelling come alive and provide children an opportunity to explore and learn outside the pages of their favorite books.

Remember, when designing an inviting story station area – keep it simple, keep it fun! With just a dash of imagination and these easy-to-implement ideas, little learners will be lined up for more educational STEM activities and more English Language Arts! 

Step 3: Incorporating Hands-On Activities and Experiments

Incorporating hands-on activities and experiments in the classroom, media center, or homeschool space makes learning more engaging and promotes critical thinking skills. One fun way to do this is by using themed books as a starting point for exploration. For example, after reading a book about space, students can conduct experiments like making their rockets or creating constellations with flashlights and black paper. By connecting the concepts in the book to tangible experiences, students can grasp complex ideas more easily.

You can also use books around specific character traits like grit, critical thinking, curiosity, and more. I've even created simple STEM challenges for books that follow a theme. I even have some of your favorite holidays, like ThanksgivingHalloween, and Christmas! Check out my STEM Story Stations on TpT.

Attend my Makerspace Bootcamp and learn all about why every classroom needs a Makerspace, the value of play, every child is a maker, 5 ideas for how to integrate Makerspace, and so much more!

Another practical approach to incorporating hands-on activities where you are uncovering just the tip of the iceberg is through simple experiments and STEM centers that allow students to apply what they have learned in class. For instance, in a science lesson on states of matter, students can mix ingredients to make their slime or experiment on how different liquids freeze at varying temperatures. These activities allow students to see scientific concepts come alive right before their eyes, sparking excitement and curiosity.

Furthermore, setting up STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) centers in the classroom provides endless opportunities for hands-on learning. These centers can be equipped with various materials, such as building blocks and problem-solving games, that encourage collaboration and critical thinking skills. Students can engage in projects like constructing bridges or designing mini-robots using basic coding principles. Through these interactive experiences, children develop essential STEM capabilities and learn how to work effectively as part of a team. These practice stations are a great way to get kids deeper into STEM and stories. 

Step 4: Creating Connections Between Stories and STEM Concepts

Now that we have explored the world of simple STEM concepts and beautiful literature, it is time to dive deeper into Step 4. The magic lies in finding those hidden threads that weave together seemingly unrelated stories and scientific principles. By making these connections, we enhance our understanding of the story and the STEM concept and foster a love for interdisciplinary learning.

When reading a book or story, take a moment to identify any underlying scientific ideas or themes embedded within the narrative. For example, while reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, you can explore scale and proportion as Alice shrinks and grows in size throughout her journey. This provides an opportunity to discuss mathematical transformations and measurements with young readers in a fun and whimsical way.

Furthermore, by encouraging children to search for STEM connections in literature, we open opportunities for them to view science through different lenses. They learn that science is not confined to textbooks or laboratories but can be found even in the most unexpected places – like within the pages of their favorite stories. Making these connections between literature and STEM concepts encourages creativity, critical thinking, and a broader understanding of how science can shape our everyday lives.

To help you better understand this concept, I would love for you to attend my Makerspace Bootcamp. My free gift is a set of 10 STEM challenges, all centered around Mo Willems Piggie and Elephant books! So fun!

So, let's embark on this exciting adventure where literary worlds collide with scientific wonders! 

In this dynamic combination lie endless possibilities for engaging young minds with wit and wisdom – showing them that exploring both simple STEM concepts and beautiful literature can go hand-in-hand.


OTT 236: From Drudgery to Explosion: How to Reclaim Your Love For Teaching With Makerspace


OTT 234: How Can Teachers, and Media Specialists Create a Meaningful Makerspace on a Shoestring Budget?