From Drudgery to Explosion How to Reclaim Your Love For Teaching Using Makerspace
In this Makerspace Masterclass for Elementary Educators...

A clear understanding of what Makerspace is and what it can do to reignite your passion for teaching.

5 Ideas to use in your classroom for your very own Makerspace!

3 benefits of makerspace that will make you release a *sigh* of relief.

How to implement your ideas, wishes and wildest Makerspace dreams in your classroom WITHOUT the drudgery.

The answers to all your questions about Makerspace AND a FREE bonus gift from me to you!

If these sound like you, you’re not going to want to miss this webinar. Trust me.

You feel a sense of drudgery when it comes to following the cookie-cutter ways of the school system and you’re looking for some out-of-the-box teaching tools.

You feel frustrated with your current situation and you are yearning for something to make you feel like the teacher you dreamt of being from the start.

You’re tired of adding more and more and MORE to your plate all while lacking support, respect and a sense that your effort is valued.

You value:

  • Innovative thinking

  • Hands-on learning

  • Community building in the classroom

  • Integrating STEM

  • Teaching students in a way that best fits their individual needs

  • A love of learning

Did I mention…

If you join us LIVE you’ll get Piggie and Gerald Makerspace Challenge Cards for FREE!

Catch the Replay

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Trina Deboree

I am passionate about children falling in love with thinking and learning. Makerspaces can be the answer.

I am Trina Deboree from Trina Deboree Teaching and Learning and the podcast One Tired Teacher.

I have been in elementary education for over 24 years. My goal has always been and will continue to always be kids over the content. I believe that all children can learn and should be provided the environment to thrive and find their element- the pinnacle of their passion and expertise. This can be done when we give kids a variety of experiences and offer them a choice in learning. I hope you will join me in the Makerspace Movement and the adventure of bringing back the love of learning while also refinding your joy in teaching.
