A mind of innovation & creativity start with…

A Replay

Makerspace Bootcamp

With Trina Deboree

Trina Deboree Makerspace Bootcamp training

“I am Trina Deboree, and I watched my students’ learning journeys TRANSFORM through Makerspace!”

Join Trina Deboree, the dynamic force behind Trina Deboree Teaching and Learning and the voice of the One Tired Teacher podcast, for an exhilarating three-day journey from March 25th to 27th, with a bonus day on the 28th.

With 24 years of educational experience, including a profound love affair with Makerspace, Trina is ready to share her secrets and strategies for integrating Makerspace into every learning environment.

Whether you're in a classroom, a media center, or even at home, prepare to unlock the doors to a world where creativity knows no bounds.

Get ready to TRANSFORM your teaching approach and make your classroom or homeschool environment a hub of creativity, innovation, and endless possibilities!

Why Join the Madness for Only $14.99?😱

Each day is packed with insights, strategies, and real-world examples to inspire and motivate you.

  • Discover the “why” behind the need for Makerspaces in every classroom

  • Dive deep into the essence of the maker movement

  • Explore 5 spectacular ideas to integrate Makerspaces into your teaching seamlessly

Exclusive freebies? Umm, YES PLEASE! Because, who doesn’t love FREE goodies?

Attendees will not only walk away with invaluable knowledge but also have the chance to snag some awesome freebies and win prizes daily. It’s our way of saying thank you for joining us on this creative adventure!

Imagine feeling like this… 👇🏼

Inside March Makerspace Madness You'll Get:

3 Live Trainings (With a Optional Bonus 4th Day) {With replays to accommodate your schedule}
Daily Email Reminders {To help keep you accountable so you're guaranteed to finish}
Daily Freebies {That you can use in your learning space the next week}
A Chance to Win Prizes Daily! {Each day I will choose two winners for a daily prize that you can use the next week}

What's the Time Commitment? ⏰

Replay after 3/25/24 🗓

Glad you asked!

Here's How to Plan 🗓

Every Classroom Needs a Makerspace

  • The philosophy and magic behind Makerspaces so that you better understand the why behind Makerspace

  • 5 ideas to integrate makerspace into your learning space so that you have ideas to get you started with Makerspace

DAY 1 - March 25th, 2024:

DAY 2 - March 26th, 2024:

Play Matters & Every Child is a Maker

  • The critical role of play in learning and development so that you better understand the way in which children learn best

  • Embracing the maker mindset for every student so that you don't get stuck on the size of your space; rather, you focus on the actual mindset

DAY 3 - March 27th, 2024:

The 7 Key Components of a Great Makerspace

  • Building a Makerspace that sparks creativity and fosters innovation so that you know exactly what to include in your own Makerspace

BONUS DAY - March 28th, 2024:

Bringing It All Together

  • Recap, Q&A, and special insights to take your Makerspace to the next level so that you feel empowered to start something exciting in your learning space

Ready to TRANSFORM Your Teaching?

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to be inspired, to learn, and to connect with like-minded educators and homeschool parents. Whether you're looking to inject a dose of creativity into your classroom, seeking fresh ideas for your homeschool curriculum, or simply curious about the maker movement, this bootcamp is for you.

March Makerspace Madness Bootcamp Is Not a Course...

While you will have replays of each training until April 8th, the content does expire and the group closes. The end date exists so that you can keep yourself accountable for getting the work done (which might end up being your favorite part!).

But It's Not Supposed to Be. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Join the Movement ✨

March Makerspace Madness isn't just a bootcamp; it's a ticket to join a global movement. A movement dedicated to revolutionizing learning, encouraging creativity, and preparing our children for a future where they not only dream but also do.

Plus! More Gifts Just for Joining 🥰 🎁

Bonus #1

Extended Acces to All Trainings For Two Weeks

This one is for busy moms and full time teachers who aren't on Spring Break yet. With your busy schedule, it might take you a few more days to digest and implement each Makersapce idea. And that's okay!

Enjoy replays of ALL March Makerspace Madness Bootcamp trainings until April 8th.

Bonus #2

Step-By-Step Training Workbook

Each training has its own pages inside of the workbook to keep you out of the weeds and keep you thinking and dreaming about Makerspace. There is also a checklist to keep you on track! (I love a good checklist. How about you?)

Bonus #3

Daily Freebies

Each day, you will receive a free STEM Story Station to help you implement a Maker Mindset. You will find this inside of your Training Workbook.

PLUS, you will have two chances to win a full 10 pack bundle each day to give your students even more OPTIONS!

That Means, When you Sign Up for March Makerspace Madness Bootcamp, You'll Get...

Training #1 Every Classroom Needs a Makerspace and Maker Mindset

  • The philosophy and magic behind makerspaces

  • 5 ideas to integrate makerspace into your learning Space

Training #2 Play Matters & Every Child is a Maker

  • The critical role of play in learning and development

  • Embracing the maker mindset for every student

Training #3 The 7 Key Components of a Great Makerspace

  • Building a makerspace that sparks creativity and fosters innovation

Bonus Day: Bringing It All Together

  • Recap, Q&A, and special insights to take your makerspace to the next level

Exclusive Access to March Makerspace Madness Bootcamp Private Facebook Community

Free Training Replay Extension

Step-By-Step Training Workbook

Daily Freebies

Daily Opportunities to Win Prizes

Enroll in March Makerspace Madness Bootcamp



Got a Burning Question? 🤔

Here's What Other Bootcampers Have Asked:

  • Ah, the million-dollar question: "How do I know if this is the right fit for me?" First off, let's address the elephant (not the Piggie and Elephant kind) in the room. If you're someone who gets a thrill from seeing lightbulbs pop over kids' heads, if you're a champion of creativity over rote memorization, or if you've ever looked at a cardboard box and seen a world of possibilities instead of recycling... then you, my friend, are in the right place.

    Now, let's get down to brass tacks. This bootcamp is for you if you're:

    A teacher who dreams of classrooms buzzing with engaged learners, where science and stories come alive through hands-on exploration.

    A homeschool mom (or dad!) seeking to sprinkle a little magic dust on your curriculum, making learning an adventure that happens everywhere, from kitchen tables to backyard forts.

    A media specialist who believes that the heart of the school can beat with creativity, innovation, and the sound of children discovering their passions.

    In short, if you're someone who believes that education is not just about filling a bucket but igniting a fire, then March Makerspace Madness Bootcamp is your match made in makerspace heaven. So, come join us! Let's build, create, and inspire together. Because, at the end of the day, if you're looking to transform your learning space into a place where curiosity is the currency and creativity is the outcome, then you, my fellow educator, have found your tribe. Welcome aboard!

  • 1. Monday, March 25th, 4:00 PM EST/ 1:00 PM PT

    Every Classroom Needs a Makerspace and Maker Mindset

    2. Tuesday, March 26th, 4:00 PM EST/ 1:00 PM PT

    Play Matters & Every Child is a Maker

    3. Wednesday, March 27th, 4:00 PM EST/ 1:00 PM PT

    The 7 Key Components of a Great Makerspace

    4. Thursday, March 28th, 4:00 PM EST/ 1:00 PM PT

    Bonus Day (Optional) Bringing It All Together

    And you don't need to make it live every single day. You will have access to the replay page which will contain all replay videos. The video will be available before 6:00 PM EST each day. You will have access to this replay page until April 8th. So you have PLENTY of time to catch up. Go at your own pace!

  • Ah, the age-old conundrum: "Why is this so affordable?" You might be thinking that in a world where you have to shell out a small fortune for a decent cup of coffee, there must be a catch when something as transformative as the March Makerspace Madness Bootcamp is priced at less than the cost of a school year's worth of pencils.

    Well, dear inquisitive mind, let me let you in on a little secret. It's not about making a mint; it's about making a difference. You see, I've been in the trenches, navigated the highs and lows of the classroom, and experienced the sheer joy of watching a child's imagination take flight. That's priceless. And I believe that every teacher, homeschool mom, and media specialist should have the opportunity to spark that joy without having to break the bank.

    So, why is it so affordable? Because I want you to invest not just in this bootcamp but in your future as an educator, in the limitless potential of your students, and in the belief that learning should be accessible, engaging, and downright fun. Consider it my way of paying it forward to the incredible community of educators who are shaping the minds of tomorrow.

    This bootcamp is also just the beginning of the journey into Makerspace. The choice is up to you if you decide to move beyond the bootcamp.

    In essence, this bootcamp is a labor of love, priced to bring us together as a community of dreamers, makers, and educators. So, grab your virtual seat, bring your biggest dreams, and let's make magic happen in your makerspace. After all, the real question isn't "Why is this so affordable?" but "Can you afford to miss out?"

  • Not in the BootCamp. The BootCamp is specifically about the why behind Makerspace and sharing ideas about how to use it, as well as diving deeper into the benefits for kids- and we are going to focus on that. After the challenge I will invite you to my $39 course which is a ton more content about setting up a makerspace, how to get funded for materials, how to manage materials and your time, how to integrate standards, the power of productive struggle, Makerspace assessment, and so much more.

  • Ah, the trepidation of the uninitiated, standing on the precipice of the Makerspace world, wondering, "Will I be lost?" Fear not, brave explorer! Venturing into the unknown can indeed feel like preparing to scale Everest in flip-flops. But let me assure you, in the March Makerspace Madness Bootcamp, you'll find yourself equipped with not just flip-flops but a full-on, state-of-the-art, metaphorical climbing gear set designed for every skill level.

    Think of this bootcamp not as being thrown into the deep end but rather as dipping your toes into a sparkling, inviting pool of creativity and learning, where every question is a stepping stone, and every activity is a lifebuoy keeping you afloat. I've designed this journey from the ground up to be as welcoming and navigable for the makerspace newbie as it is enriching and inspiring for the seasoned pro.

    You see, we all start somewhere. Even I once looked at a glue gun and felt a twinge of uncertainty. But it's not about where you start; it's about where we're going together. With step-by-step guidance, practical tips, and a community of fellow adventurers by your side, you'll soon find that what once seemed like an uncharted territory becomes a familiar playground for your imagination.

    So, to you, my soon-to-be fellow maker, I say: You won't be lost; you'll be led. Led on a path of discovery, creativity, and perhaps a few delightful detours into the world of "what if?" and "why not?" Welcome to the beginning of a beautiful adventure in Makerspace. Where being new isn't a liability; it's the best seat in the house.

Enroll in March Makerspace Madness Bootcamp



Trina Deboree

I am passionate about children falling in love with thinking and learning. Makerspaces can be the answer.

I am Trina Deboree from Trina Deboree Teaching and Learning and the podcast One Tired Teacher.

I have been in elementary education for over 24 years. My goal has always been and will continue to always be kids over the content. I believe that all children can learn and should be provided the environment to thrive and find their element- the pinnacle of their passion and expertise. This can be done when we give kids a variety of experiences and offer them a choice in learning. I hope you will join me in the Makerspace Movement and the adventure of bringing back the love of learning while also refinding your joy in teaching.


Enroll in March Makerspace Madness Bootcamp

