OTT 236: From Drudgery to Explosion: How to Reclaim Your Love For Teaching With Makerspace

Hi, I'm Trina Deboree from Trina Deboree Teaching and Learning and the podcast One Tired Teacher. I create engaging content for elementary teachers focusing on Science, reading comprehension, STEM, and Makerspace. My passion lies in giving teachers back a fraction of their time so they can put first things first. My ultimate goal is to offer creative content that helps teachers inspire students to learn, dream, think, and wonder.

I will help you move from drudgery teaching, where you feel like you are going against your core values and teacher soul, to an explosion of teaching, where you fulfill your purpose and your ultimate dream of teaching.

In my 26 years of education, I spent most of my time in 2nd grade and several years in the media center. The media center is where I fell in love with MAKERSPACE. The very idea of creating a space and utilizing a mindset where kids can build, discover, imagine, think, learn, and, yes, even play felt magical. And I don't believe makerspace has to be limited to the media center. In fact, I think it should exist in every classroom.

So, in this blog post/podcast episode, My goal is to help you RECLAIM your LOVE for Teaching Using a secret sauce called Makerspace. Will you join me? Drop a heart in the comments if you are ready to get started!

Today, I will help give you an alternative to teaching that feels forced and script-like (what I call drudgery teaching), to an explosion of teaching where you feel alive, purposeful, supported, respected, and valued without adding more to your plate.

In this training, I will share the concept of Makerespace in your classroom and show you how it can help you reclaim your love for teaching. I will share easy-to-implement ideas that feel more authentic to what you want to accomplish in your classroom and can get you started tomorrow. I will teach you the little-known secrets to WHY every classroom needs a place for kids to innovate, create, and dream, and what that means for YOU, the leader of learning. And finally, I will share the benefits of using Makerspace in your classroom.

What is Makerspace?

A Makerspace is where children can gather to create, invent, tinker, explore, and discover using various tools, materials, or loose parts. In a nutshell, it is an astonishing place to think and learn!

You may be surprised to find out that a Makerspace is more of a mindset and DOES not require a specific space. I will share several examples, but I want you to remember that space does not define Makerspace. Space or lack of space can quickly become a barrier to Makerspace, and it does not need to.

A Makerspace can be as complicated as you make it. It can be a shared space inside a media center or a Makerspace Classroom.

But it doesn't have to be a school-wide space. You can have your own makerspace inside your classroom. It can even be portable.

Even better, you can put it on a cart, in a closet, or take it outside.

You can also start small and build up.

The thing I love most about a Makerspace is it can be anything. There are no limits, only possibilities. It is an environment that is only restricted by one's imagination. It is a wonder of discovery.

In my Media Center, it brought kids in. My initial goal was to get them there, and I want to be there! I wanted them to see that this place in their school was built for them- to read, learn, think, be protected, nourished, and loved. A place to celebrate all types of learners. That is the beauty of a Makerspace. It takes every subject and brings it to life.

Having seen the power of a Makerspace in a Media Center, it can easily be converted into the classroom and should be. With all the educational mandates and expectations, kids still need time to create, wonder, and discover.

So now that you know what Makerspace is, let's talk about how it can help YOU, the teacher. We can see how great it is for kids. But what makes it different from just another thing you have to do?

So, I want to discuss the top 5 benefits of using Makerspace for YOU, the teacher, because I want to help you move out of drudgery teaching and into teaching that leaves you feeling energized, happy, and aligned with your core values.

5 Benefits of Makerspace for the Educator:

Benefit #1: Makerspace Gives You Time

Now, hear me out. At first, it can appear to be asking you to do ONE. MORE. THING. But once you get your makerspace up and running, it will give you back your time!

It will give you time in the morning. No more planning bellwork or morning work. No more excessive copies for this time of day. Use makerspace as a soft start- either free choice unstructured time or Makerspace story stations.

You received my Piggie and Elephant Makerspace task cards as a free gift if you attended this information as a free live training. These ten challenges focused on Mo Willems Piggie and Elephant books are a great start to soft starts for the day or even for early finishers throughout the day. You can grab them here in my store on TpT.

Use Makerspace to cover Science, math, and informational text in your uninterrupted reading block time. Focus on informational text and then do makerspace or science exploration in your actual science time. You know the one. We have Science on our schedules but have yet to get to it. That's because we have to steal time from our reading blocks. Also, Makerapce Moments in literature or Makerspace story stations extend comprehension. So that is actual reading work!

Also, Makerspace lesson plans are basically the same plan with modifications. So they are easy to implement. LP all done!

Benefit #2: Makerspace Gives You Autonomy

When did anyone last ask you what you thought about teaching a specific skill? I am guessing that hasn't happened in a long time because everything is paced out for you and scheduled for you.

I remember the days we actually got to make our own schedules! The micromanagement has gotten out of control.

Makerspace gives you some of that autonomy BACK. YOU Get to create an environment that is conducive to learning. YOU get to be creative in your teaching. YOU get to take back your classroom.

Benefit #3: Makerspace Gives You Access to Your Core Values in Teaching

This is where I want you to think about why you started teaching. Can you find it inside of yourself? Do you even remember?

Most of us want to change the world. We want to have an impact. We want to shape the future.

We never dreamed of being micromanaged to death. We never dreamed that we would have no choice and no voice. We never dreamed we would stick kids on computers and sit there and watch them.

Makerspace brings back our why.

Benefit #4: Makerspace Gives You a Moment to Breathe

For real. When kids create, they will leave you alone for a few minutes. It's like a miracle.

Need to fire off a quick email? Go for it. Need to get materials ready for your next lesson? You got it. Need to sit down and collect yourself? Be my guest!


Benefit #5: Makerspace Gives You Happy Kids and Happy Kids Equals a Happy Teacher

I think this is the most essential benefit of Makerspace. You've included all learners. All styles. All personalities. Kids feel included, valued, and like the content is accessible.

These feelings result in HAPPIER kids!@

Happier kids = Happier teachers!

Why I am Telling You About Makerspace

I created from scratch and implemented two Makerspaces in two different media centers.

I helped transform reluctant readers and learners into readers and thinkers!

I tell you this because I want you to imagine what it would feel like if you only said YES to projects that genuinely light you up and inspire and motivate ALL types of learners in your classroom. And you literally leave behind what you no longer want to do, like scripted curriculum or over-testing?

Can I get an amen?!

Believe me, I get it. I left the classroom because I could no longer be a part of things I felt were hurting kids.

I found hope as a special area teacher. So I know who you are! I see you!

Because it changes everything when you get to say yes to the things that light you up! Like a successful Makerspace that will allow you to have the kind of classroom- an incubator for learning to enhance all the great stuff you are already doing.

Creating and launching Makerspace as a crucial mindset in your classroom or media center is the single most powerful and strategic way to impact learning while reigniting your teacher spark and falling back in love with teaching.

Can you imagine feeling excited to go to work? Can you imagine having a classroom of motivated, engaged, respectful, happy students? That's the goal of this post and episode.

5 Ideas for Integrating Makerspace

Idea #1: Makerspace & STEM

So, let's start with the first and most obvious idea for integrating Makerspace. 

Makerspace can be used to teach STEM- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. 

The Next Generation Science Standards really had two reasons for integrating these content areas. 

Reason #1: Aspiration Reason:

Science and engineering are needed to address major world challenges. Makerspaces provide the framework for this type of thinking and learning. 

Reason #2: Practical Reason:

Engineering and Science provide opportunities for students to deepen their understanding of Science by applying and developing scientific knowledge to the solution of practical problems. Utilizing engineering, math, and technology empowers students to use what they learn in their everyday lives.

The beauty of using Makerspace to teach stem is that you are saving TIME by incorporating content areas. I know that seems wild. However, integrating schools of thought allows you to cover more relevant standards in an organized structure like Makerspace. So you have more time to teach more profound concepts. 

I go into specifics about this idea and all ideas I will share in my course mastering makerspace. So don't let this overwhelm you. I can help you break it down.

Idea #2: Makerspace and Literature

Whether this is a Makerpsace story station or a Makerspace Moment in Literature, incorporating Makerspace into your reading block as a center or a Friday hands-on day is a great way to engage your non-traditional school kids and your ELL students.

Idea #3: Makerspace and SEL

Another idea for Makerspace is as a social and emotional learning activity.

I have spent the last year focusing on STEM Story Stations with a focus on SEL in your makerspace.

STEM Story Stations for Makerspace and SEL

Makerspaces help kids regulate their feelings, encourage talking, build relationships, and work through emotions.

Idea #4: Makerspace and Incentives

I want to be careful here. Makerspaces are meant to be all-inclusive—and safe havans for kids who don't love school. So, leaving kids out is not the goal. But I do like the idea of having some time at the end of the day to do Makerspace. And it can incentivize getting all other work done.

Idea #5: Makerspace as a Soft Start 

Makerspaces as a soft start- no more bellwork plans! No more excessive copies. To hear more about soft openings, tune into One Tired Teacher episode 48: How to Avoid Behavior Issues With a Soft Opener.

5 Secrets of Makerspace for Kids 

Secret #1: Makerspace Inspires Creativity

Our traditional system lacks a creative element. I know teachers like yourself are loaded with creativity. Just scroll Instagram or Pinterest for proof. But children also need to explore creativity.

Exploration in a Makerspace supports essential skills such as divergent thinking, decision-making, creativity, problem-solving, self-confidence, adaptability, self-direction, and motivation.

This also allows YOU to be creative and for you to hand over the pressure of having to lead everything. This will enable kids to take a more self-directed approach to their own learning, and it requires much less planning on your part.

Secret #2 Makerspace Encourages Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking

Critical thinking and problem-solving happen by accident. I love moments when kids are learning, and they don't even realize it! Yes, metacognitive thinking is vital, but sometimes you must hook them. Makerspaces do that. They draw kids in. Kids want to think critically and problem-solve. They love being challenged when it feels like play.

Now, let's stop for a moment and talk about play. Play is necessary for child development. Play is how kids work through their feelings and ideas about the world.

Since we focus a lot on problem-solving and critical thinking, this mindset works very well with covering many subjects in less time.

Secret #3: Makerspace Provides Hands-On Learning Experiences

Which also buys you back TIME.

Kids will actually leave you alone for 5 minutes. You might even be able to get 10-15 minutes.

Secret #4: Makerspace Motivates Your Most Reluctant Learners

Motivating children who don't love to learn is one of my favorite reasons classrooms deserve a Makerspace. Children have become reluctant learners. Their natural curiosity makes them a lover of learning. Yet, this love is sometimes stifled in how knowledge is presented and assessed. We are finding more and more that kids are avoiding school.

The benefit to you is that our most reluctant learners are very often our most significant behavior issues. There are far fewer behavior issues when they feel included, motivated, inspired, and capable!

Secret #5: Makerspace Fosters Inclusivity and Collaboration

When we put kids in teams and allow them to work through challenges, we provide a natural setting for them to work collaboratively. And this is a life skill that our device-dependent students desperately need to foster.

This is where our joy of teaching can really be felt. Watching kids interact and work together feels like we cast a magic spell over the room. It is amazing!

Whether it is using Makerspace to teach STEM, or Makerspace for early finishers or morning soft starts- when it comes to finding the joy in teaching, it's not the content that matters most. It is your willingness to believe in your abilities and believe in what you are doing while finding joy and aligning with what you know in your heart to be good and true. It's a mindset, my friends. And you can do this. You are capable.

3 Blissful Reasons to Include Makerspace for YOU- the Teacher!

Blissful Reason #1: Makerspace Gives You Time

First, Makerspace gives you TIME. Time to cover more in less time.

Blissful Reason #2: Makerspace Gives You Time To Breathe

When kids are highly engaged and doing, you can actually get other things accomplished. _ Answering a quick email, pulling a small group, grading some papers at WORK and not at home, prepping for the next lesson. WORK AT WORK!

Blissful Reason #3: Makerspace Brings You and the Kids JOY!

This is one of my favorite benefits of Makerspace for the teacher- watching kids HAPPY!

Plus, happy kids = have fewer behavior issues.

That's the beauty of makers. It benefits teachers and students.

Makers dream big, take risks, explore options, imagine new possibilities, show courage, express creativity, and embrace challenges.

So now you can imagine Makerspace's impact on your learning environment. Picture it in your mind. What does it look like, feel like, sound like? And how do you feel yourself?

I also want you to think about what you would stop doing in your classroom if your Makerspace was successful. Could you stop running around first thing in the morning, trying to get the bellwork out and ready? Would you stop stressing over covering Science? Would you stop agonizing over meeting the needs of your reluctant learners because they would have a place to shine?

At this point, I have a question for you... would you like me to help you implement Makerspace into your classroom, media center, or homeschool routine? Do you see how powerful this mindset can be in your classroom for the students and YOU as well?

Makerspace Decision Time

And now that you know what is possible, it's time to decide.

Are you going to keep moving forward as usual, without a plan, googling, and searching for how and what to do with makerspace alone in your search for making your classroom a place for joy for both you and your students?

Or will you move along a proven game plan where I take you step by step through the process of Makersapce from space or lack of space, to tools and materials, to integrating standards, and more with a person who has done this myself and helped others as well?

I'm hoping you choose option 2.

This is where I want to work with you on your journey into Makerspace.

Suppose you are ready to take your teaching from drudgery to explosion and reclaim your love for teaching with a makerspace. In that case, I would love to officially invite you to go further with me inside Mastering Makerspace from Zero to Amazing.

In this course, you will learn how to create a meaningful Makerspace with standards-based activities that foster collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking without breaking the bank or {losing} your sanity!

Mastering Makerspace contains an easy-to-digest framework set up into three big plays, otherwise known as three learning modules.

Play One: The Magic Maker- that will give you all the pedagogy and research behind this mindset and help you find your teaching why and hold on to it.

Play Two: The Fundamentals- will give you the tools and materials, the framework, and more,

And finally

Play Three: Explore the Possibilities- this will help you integrate standards, how this will move seamlessly into what you are already doing, and more.

So, let's break this down.

In Big Play One, module one, you will learn the Importance of Makerspace.

You will learn all about the maker movement and the value of child's play; you will learn more about how every child is a maker, will also learn the 7 Essential Components of an incredible makerspace, and to wrap up the big play, one the magic maker you will determine your why.

Next up in Big Play 2, The Fundamentals, you will learn what to do with your space or lack thereof.

You'll learn all about how to get the materials and tools donated to you, you'll learn all about procedures and how to set them up, you'll learn how to master the clock with sample schedules, and the final drill in big play two of The fundamentals: is show me the money. I'll teach you how to get your makerspace funded and well-stocked.

Moving to Big Play Three, Explore the Possibilities, you will learn about Makerspace Moments in Literature.

You will also learn how to give structured time and unstructured time based on your objective and specific class needs. Finally, you will learn about Constructive Constraint and Productive Struggle and assessment in Big Play Three.

This complete program is valued at $227, but before I share my special pricing for teachers, I want to remind you of what is included.

Mastering Makerspace includes:

  • The Complete Mastering Makerspace Playbook

  • Three Power Plays from Zero to Amazing

  • Videos, Guides, Classroom Posters, Labels, Jobs, Swipe Files, and Templates

But that isn't all!

So you not only receive the three big plays with videos, guides, swipe files, and the Mastering Makerspace Playbook (your step-by-step guide to launching your own Makerspace) and THREE bonuses!

  • You get a private Mastering Makerspace FB group where you can ask questions, interact, and collaborate with fellow educators.

  • Plus, you get Social and emotional learning with Makerspace, a mini session on using Makerspace for Social and Emotional Learning.

  • Plus, you get my Makerspace getting started bundle.

The Makerspace Getting Started Kit includes resources, labels, signage, posters, jobs, makerspace exit tickets, and more.

All of these bonuses are included in the complete Mastering Makerspace course!

The complete Mastering Makerspace, including three bonuses, would be well over $300.

But because I am a teacher myself and I deeply believe in teachers, I have slashed the price.

You also have two options with pricing.

In both the basics and the all-inclusive bundle, you get:

With the all-inclusive option, you get a bit more hand-holding and support.

So you have two choices to make this work for you.

If you are ready to join Mastering Makerspace, this four-week step-by-step game plan, where you will learn to create meaningful Makerspace with standards-based activities that foster critical thinking, collaboration, community, and creativity without breaking the bank or {losing} your sanity, then hop on over to Mastering Makerspace: From Zero to Amazing.

Before you head over, I want you to think about your current feelings.

  • Do you feel stuck in a system that isn't reaching ALL types of learners?

  • Do you feel tired and want desperately to take thinking to the next level without the insanity of lesson planning?

  • Or is it because you want more for your students and yourself as their teacher!!

And maybe you are having some serious doubts...

You may be worried that you won't have enough time to get this off the ground or that you don't have enough time in your day.

First, you have access to this course for the lifetime of the course. Which means you can go as quickly or as slowly as you like.

Also, inside Mastering Makerspace, I show you schedule examples of where and how to fit this into your day, whether you are a classroom teacher or a special area teacher.

You may also worry about how you will pay for all the tools and materials.

I've got you covered. I give you many suggestions and offer you a letter that can be used with local businesses and with parents.

And finally, maybe you are worried that you will get overwhelmed.

That, my friend, is why I set this course in small, manageable increments. And I encourage you to go at your own pace.

Plus, use the FB group to ask questions, collaborate, and troubleshoot with like-minded people.

Don't worry. I've got you covered.

Sneak Peek Inside Mastering Makerspace

Let's take a sneak peek at what happens when you enroll. 

When you head over to the sales page - Mastering Makerspace: From Zero to Amazing.

You scroll to see your options- Basic or All-Inclusive.

Choose your payment.

Next, create an account. (Yes, you create an account before you purchase.)

Then, fill in your payment details.

You will receive a confirmation page and instant access to Mastering Makerspace!

This is where you will log in and start your adventure. Head to the first area that says Kick off.

Here is what some of my students have said about Mastering Makerspace.

Are you ready to join me? I'll see you inside Mastering Makerspace!


OTT 237 10 Fantastic Thanksgiving Picture Books to Use In Your Classroom


OTT: 235 4 Quick and Easy Steps to Setting STEM Story Station in Your Makerspace